Reflections on South Africa and Namibia 29th June – 3rd July 2010.
I just recently returned from a whirlwind eleven days of travelling to South Africa and Namibia. I flew to Johannesburg (Jo’burg), then on to Port Elisabeth (PE) to see England secure their first (and only) win of the 2010 World cup and totally outplay Slovenia. The flight to PE had the potential to turn into a riot because the plane we were meant to fly on developed ‘an engine fault’ and we had to wait for two hours for a replacement plane! Fortunately we had a very laid back Mr Patrick Vieira (Arsenal and French football legend, now at Man City) on board with us to keep us distracted ;-) we made the match we 45 mins to spare!!
Along with a group of family friends (Yussufs and Kennedys) we enjoyed good food, fellowship and spent the night in PE. The next day we had a pleasant 3hr drive to Queenstown, via a very nice bakery (Abdul where’s my cakes??!!). I preached for the Queenstown Church that night a message entitled ‘don’t worry be happy’ from Matt 6. The message seemed to be well received and there was a great turnout for a midweek service (about 80+).
The next morning (4.30am) we drove to East London airport, where I flew to Cape Town (CT) and met up with some old and dear friends that use to be a part of the Croydon Church, Mr & Mrs Kakoma (Beryl & her husband) and Preston Plaatjes. It was very encouraging to see Beryl & Preston after so many years (4 or 5). After good food and fellowship I had to rush off to catch my next flight to Windhoek (vin – took) Namibia, where I preached a revival for Pastor Setson and sister Mary.
I must say I found Namibia to be an amazing county, very pleasant, peaceful and modern. Our church there is a thriving work of God with over 500 in attendance Sun (am) and 300 out every night. I felt a real connection with the Church and felt that the folks were really ministered to by God’s word. Pastor Setson and sister Mary took very good care of me and I look forward to my next trip to that wonderful nation.
I caught a plane back to Jo’burg and spent 3hrs trawling through book stores whilst waiting for my flight, only to realise that I had not adjusted my watch by the 1 hr time difference and ended up missing my flight by 15mins ;-( so after finding my suitcase and finding a place to stay, a very frustrated traveller who was so looking forward to seeing his wife and daughters spent an extra night in SA! Ah well worse thing happen at sea! As I was moaning to brother Abdul, I was reminded of my sermon ‘don’t worry be happy’……… now where are those vuvuzela’s ;-)
God bless.
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